Why this is the best time of year to list your home

Market Trend

Why this is the best time of year to list your home

The best time of year to list a house for sale is fast approaching, according to new data.

Spring is home-selling season of course, but data from the online listings portal Zillow reveals that Thursdays in late April might just be the best time to list for the greatest reward.

In a report released Thursday, Zillow found that homes listed in the second half of April could expect to sell for about 2.8 percent more — about $9,300 — than the typical United States home, while homes listed on Thursday, ahead of weekend showings, can expect to fetch $1,100 more than those listed on other days.

“With inventory as low as it is, home sellers can expect a quick sale pretty much year-round,” Zillow economist Nicole Bachaud said in a statement. “Even as frantic buyers are snapping up homes days after they hit the market and often bidding them up above list price, there is still value to be had by listing a home during the right time of year, which is in the spring in most cases. This is a friendly market for sellers, but those who are simultaneously buying need a firm grasp on the right tools and strategies to win their next home.”

While the current low-inventory market means homes are selling fast year-round, Zillow found the worst time for sellers to list a house to be the first two weeks of November, with homes listed then getting a 3.5 percent discount compared to the typical house.

Still, the difference between the time of year when homes are selling the fastest — late January through April — versus the slowest — August — was only three days in 2021. In 2019 it was 12 days.

These conditions vary by market, Zillow found. In Los Angeles, where there’s no winter weather to deter buyers, homes listed as late as December see a notable price benefit according to the study. In San Francisco, San Jose, Portland, and Austin, the best time to list a home starts as early as mid-February.

The potential sale price difference varies from market to market too. Houses listed in Los Angeles in late December could expect to fetch $25,000 more than the typical local home sale, while those listed in August could expect to earn $17,900 less. In New York City, houses listed in late April could bring in over $8,800 more than is typical, while homes listed in late September typically sold for $8,200 less.

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